Virginia Tech has formed the Advisory Council for Campus Environmental Sustainability (ACCES), a universitywide advisory group that will work closely with senior university administrators on issues concerning environmental sustainability.

Initially, ACCES will focus on three major issues:

To promote public awareness of environmental issues at Virginia Tech and communicate those advances made by the university.

To investigate opportunities and foster collaborations concerning research in environmental sustainable technologies and polices, as well as support environmentally focused academic curricula within the university.

To investigate improvements in and give suggestions concerning the environmental infrastructure of the university.

Faculty and student representatives from each college as well as five university staff members will serve on the council during the upcoming academic year. Each college's faculty representative will be appointed by the college's dean and student, and staff representatives will be selected through an application process. Representatives will be selected based on their expressed dedication to environmental issues, experience, and communication skills.

ACCES will begin meeting in the fall.

For more information contact Aaron Burr at

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