University Libraries Open Access Subvention Fund guidelines updated to include cost sharing

From: University Libraries
University Libraries Open Access Subvention Fund is available to underwrite article processing charges (APCs) for scholarly peer-reviewed articles accepted for publication in open access (OA) journals.
The funding limit is $1500 per article, and authors are limited to $3,000 per year. The fund can now cost-share with departments.
The OA journal's publisher must be a member of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) or the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) or comply with a similar Code of Conduct. OA journals should be registered in an open access directory such as the Directory of Open Access Journals or Sherpa/Romeo.
Other guidelines include:
All Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and students who are currently enrolled or employed at VT are eligible.
OASF support is not available if the article is based on grant supported research.
Hybrid journals are not supported (that is, subscription journals offering an OA option), to avoid double charges to the library, and because hybrid journal fees are generally higher on average than those for fully OA journals. Please note that you can decline the OA option, and provide free, no-embargo access to your accepted version by using Virginia Tech's Open Access Policy.
Invoices for funded articles must be received by the Libraries' head of acquisitions within 45 days of the award notification. Otherwise, the funds will be returned to the OASF and the author(s) must reapply. If your article’s publishing charges are waived by the journal, or the OASF award is no longer needed for any reason, please let us know so we can release those funds for other authors.
Please note that no-cost, embargo-free open access for accepted versions of scholarly articles is available to all VT researchers thanks to Virginia Tech's Open Access Policy, approved by the Board of Visitors on March 22, 2021. Accepted versions are available in VTechWorks, which receives over 3,000 downloads per day from around the world.
Some journals give fee discounts. Check out the discounts page for more information.
Questions about the fund can be sent to For more information visit the Open Access Subvention Fund libguide.