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University Policy Updates: March 2024 to July 2024

From: Office of the Vice President for Policy and Governance

The following university policies were updated between March 2024 to July 2024. Both substantive and technical updates are included below. Note: The most recent updates to a posted policy can be found at the end of that policy under “Approvals and Revisions.” Please read to learn more.


No. 6200 — Policy on Research Extended Appointments:  This policy was modified to align with the Faculty Handbook.


No. 12005 – Policy on Commemorative Tributes: This policy modification included guidance for academic and non-academic units to include Facilities in the recommendation and review of donor recognition signage, guidance for names in tribute of corporate entities to specify gift ranges and associated specifications for corporate donor signage recognition, and add review and recommendation of Facilities in the proposed donor recognition signage, updated position titles, and removed the 12-month separation rule for university employees.


No. 1025 — Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Assault: This policy was modified to incorporate legislation (SB7/HB18) passed to expand “national origin” to include “ethnic or national origin” as defined in Code of Virginia §2.2-2901.1, 2.2-3904, and 2.2-3905, effective July 1, 2024.

No. 1030 – Social Media Policy: This policy revision provided clarifying language and updated titles, links, and references.


No. 5615 — University Safety and Security: This policy was revised to update committee structures and responsibilities, add the Office of Equity and Accessibility to the list of departments and offices with safety and security responsibilities, and update organizational titles, and links.

No. 5616 — Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: This policy revision updated the Campus Workplace and Violence Prevention Committee charge and membership to ensure consistency with Code of Virginia and various campus department responsibilities, added reference to PPM 251 regarding the Threat Assessment Team, and included technical updates to policy language to ensure consistency.

No. 5617 — Safety and Security Camera Acceptable Use Policy: This policy was revised to reflect Network Infrastructure and Technology responsibility, include Virginia Tech Police Department approval requirement, include additional types of camera equipment and license plate reader technology, and requirements for appropriate use and storage of data, and update titles to reflect organizational changes.

Human Resources

No. 4040 — Academic-Year Staff Appointment Guidelines: This policy revision updated references, links, and formatting.

No. 4045 – Employment Testing Guidelines: This policy revision provided consistency in the use of terms and updated links.

No. 4070 – Additional/Outside Employment Policy for Salaried Classified and University Staff: This policy was modified to eliminate sections, websites, and references related to conflict of interest, which is included in Policy 13010, Conflict of Interest; the revision also included updates to references.

No. 4298 – Wage Employee Time Worked Records:  This policy modification included clarifying language, consistency of terms, and updated references.

No. 4300 – Hours of Work for University and Classified Staff: This policy was modified to provide additional information regarding completion of a Flexible Work Agreement and associated Remote and Telework Suitability Guidelines, and Virginia DHRM Policy 1.25, Hours of Work. The policy revision also reflected updates to references and links.

No. 4320 – Guidelines for the Fair Labor Standards Act: This policy revision incorporated updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act minimum salary threshold of $884 per week for exempt employees.

No. 4325 – Flexible Work Policy (Telework/Hybrid, Remote Work, and Alternate Work Schedule):  This policy underwent a substantial revision that aligned with Virginia DHRM’s teleworking policy and provided clarifying language on use of flexible work agreements for T&R faculty, use of terms throughout the policy, and applicability of the policy. The policy revision also included updates to policy definitions, references, and links.

No. 4415 – Workers’ Compensation: This policy was revised to clarify procedures and provide consistency of terms. Additional policy updates were made to organizational titles, links, third-party administrators, and references.

Information Technology

No. 7040 — Enterprise Identity and Access Management: This policy was comprehensively revised to encompass all aspects of identity management and the multiple ways in which Virginia Tech identifiers are created, used, and managed.

No. 7100 – Administrative Data Management and Access Policy: This policy was revised to update organizational structure titles.

No. 7200 – University Information Technology Security Program:  This policy revision updated links.


No. 13025 – Removal of a Principal, Co-Principal, Lead Investigator, or Equivalent: This policy was revised to provide clarifying language related to the committee review and interview process and add the research integrity officer role within the procedure for removal of an investigator.

No. 13040 – Virginia Tech Human Subjects Research Policy:  The policy underwent a comprehensive revision to incorporate changes to the human subjects’ regulations and highlight mandatory compliance requirements.

No. 13046 — Participating in Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs: This policy was created, effective May 20, 2024, to comply with the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act of 2022 Public Law No: 117-167, which prohibits U.S. federal funding recipients from participating in Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (MFTRPs), defined as a program, position, or activity funded, organized, or managed by a foreign country of concern (currently, China, Iran, Russia, North Korea) or a foreign entity of concern.

For more information on policies and the policymaking process at Virginia Tech, visit Policies at Virginia Tech. Policy questions may be sent to

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