University policy updates: Revised November 2023 – February 2024
From: Office of the Vice President for Policy and Governance
The following university policies were updated between November 2023 and February 2024. Both substantive and technical updates are included below. Please read to learn more.
No. 6100 — Department Head, Chair or School Director Appointment and Review: This policy was updated to provide clarification on tuition remission for executive and professional programs, clarification for summer out-of-state waiver eligibility, update work-life grant term to 8 weeks, and update links.
No. 6210 — Management of Graduate Assistantships and Tuition Remission: This policy was modified to incorporate information about continuing undergraduate eligibility listed in President’s Policy Memorandum 191 and 272 and retire President’s Policy Memoranda 35, 36, 91, 191 and 272.
No. 6320 — Maximum Loads for Undergraduates: This policy was revised to include graduate students and provide clarification regarding part of term for summer terms.
No. 6363 — Administration of Credit-by-Contract Partnerships for Graduate Courses: This policy underwent a substantial revision that aligned with the new proposal process, established a deadline for closing contracts, and updated policy title, content organization, links, and references.
No. 6700 — Undergraduate Credits: This policy was modified to reflect current transferrable criteria recognized by the university, the maximum CLEP hours that can be awarded, and removal of retired PPMs.
No. 6800 – Undergraduate Grading Policies: The policy modification included clarifying language consistent with the Undergraduate Catalog and PPM 11b reflecting limitations on course attempts.
No. 12205 – Responding to Virginia Freedom of Information Act Requests: This policy has been revised to reflect that the FOIA Office falls within responsibilities of the Vice President for Communications and Marketing. In addition, the policy sets forth responsibilities of other university departments, as well as individual employees’ responsibilities for complying with the Freedom of Information Act. It has also been updated to reflect changes in the Act including a provision to notify individuals of their right to request an estimate in advance.
No. 3955 — Management of Surplus Property: This policy was revised to reflect change to the automated surplus request process which replaced the previous paper process; minor changes for clarification; and updates to the policy title and departmental name.
Human Resources
No. 4315 — Guidelines on Holidays: This policy revision reflects the university’s decision to shift four state holidays (George Washington Day, Columbus Day and Yorktown Victory Day, Election Day, and Veterans Day) to Winter Break (December 25 through January 1) for all employees; additions of definitions, and updates to links and references.
Information Technology
No. 7010 — Policy for Securing Technology Resources and Services: This policy revision reflects the roles and responsibilities related to routine automated monitoring of university-owned technology resources and network traffic and affirms consent of those who use the university network and/or university-owned technology resources that are subject to such IT security practices.
No. 7035 – Privacy Policy for Employees’ Electronic Communications: This policy was modified based on the BOV Resolution passed March 20, 2023 and due to the deployment of newly acquired IT security tools and processes required for the continually evolving data and systems security needs of the University, the policy was modified to provide transparency about the use of these tools and processes during routine operations for university employees. Accordingly, significant changes were made to sections 1, 2, and 3 of the policy. Employees may request more detailed information about these changes by contacting the IT Security Office at
No. 13010 – Conflict of Interest: This policy was revised to eliminate sponsor specific language allowing for more broad application and updates to references and links.
Student Affairs
No. 8012 – Establishing and Maintaining a University Chartered Student Organization (UCSO): This policy revision provides clarification that student senates are a special type of UCSO and operate slightly differently from other UCSOs; specifying that approval of a non-senate UCSO rests with CUSA (Commission on Undergraduate Student Affairs); and addition of new section 2.2 explaining that the student senates are official bodies in the university’s shared governance system, and as such, their charges, and the processes for approving changes to their constitutions and bylaws are governed by the University Council Constitution and Bylaws.
For more information on policies and the policymaking process at Virginia Tech click here. Policy questions may be directed here.
As a reminder, the most recent updates to a posted policy can be found at the end of that policy under “Approvals and Revisions.”