Where to park for April 12-13 weekend events

The 3.2 for 32 Run in Remembrance and the Virginia Tech football spring game, presented by PSMI, are among a multitude of events on the Blacksburg campus the weekend of April 12.
There are changes related to parking this year. Carpooling is strongly recommended.
Allow yourself extra time as you travel to campus. Be prepared and take note of the following information to help with your visit.
Find a campus parking lot map online.
3.2 for 32 Run in Remembrance T-shirt pickup
When: Friday, April 11, 4-8 p.m. in War Memorial Hall
Free short-term parking will be available in the following areas:
- Price Hall Lot, 4-8 p.m.
- Perry Street Garage, 4-8 p.m.
- Drillfield Drive, 4-5 p.m. only. Drillfield Drive will close to traffic at 5 p.m., however ADA patrons will still be able to access South Drillfield Drive via West Campus Drive to park temporarily for T-shirt pick-up only.
For all other times and lots, visitors will be required to pay for a visitor pass or use the ParkMobile app between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday.
Parking information for the weekend
Friday, April 11
Event highlights: Family Weekend, baseball game, softball game
Vehicles can leave, but no new vehicle parking allowed in the following areas beginning at 5 p.m. All vehicles must be removed by 6 p.m.
- 417 Clay St.
- Kent Street
- Alumni Mall (both sides)
- East Drillfield Drive (including both sides of War Memorial Chapel)
- North Drillfield Drive
- South Drillfield Drive (both sides)
- Lot 2/Stadium
Vehicles can leave, but no new vehicle parking is allowed in the following areas beginning at 6 p.m. All vehicles must be removed by 8:30 p.m.
- Lot 1/Coliseum
- Lot 3/Maintenance
- Lot 4/Track-Fieldhouse
- Lot 5/Chicken Hill
- Beamer Way
- Washington Street
Saturday, April 12
Event highlights: 3.2 Mile Run in Remembrance, Family Weekend, Football Spring Game, Lacrosse game, Softball game.
Paid parking (football spring game)
Parking in the lots surrounding the Stadium (Lots 1/Coliseum, 2/Stadium, 3/Maintenance, 4/Track-Fieldhouse, and 5/Chicken Hill) will be reserved for athletics’ patrons attending any of the various athletic events and must be purchased online before April 12 for $25 per pass from VT Football Ticket Central. These lots will be opening and monitored beginning at 8 a.m., except Lot 1 which will open at noon. Passes will be print-at-home and can’t be purchased on site. Fans who purchase parking passes for the football game are encouraged to park in these lots for the 3.2 Mile Run in Remembrance if they are planning to attend both events.
For more spring game and other athletics information, please visit HokieSports.com.
7 a.m.
Where to park
Free public parking for all events will be available, except for Lots 1-5 as noted above, in other areas of campus. Please note that some lots and parking spaces are designated as 24-hour restricted, as well as some metered, ADA, and state/service vehicle spaces. Please pay special attention to the parking reminders highlighted on in-lot signage, as some lots must be cleared to accommodate weekend events.
Paid parking is available in the North End Center Garage for all events. Off-campus parking is available in downtown Blacksburg. Please observe and obey all signs and meters.
8 a.m.
Run route closures begin
- Stanger Street from Old Turner Street to Drillfield Drive
- Drillfield Drive
- West Campus Drive from Duck Pond Drive to Washington Street
- Grove Lane
- Duck Pond Drive from Smithfield Road to Washington Street
- Washington Street from Duck Pond Drive to Kent Street
- Beamer Way closed (all day until post-football game) from Washington Street to Southgate Drive/Lots 2/4
- Kent Street from Washington Street to Drillfield Drive
- Alumni Mall (both sides)
Athletics parking lots open
Parking opens in Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 beginning at 8 a.m. These will be available for $25 per pass, purchased in advance. Because of the Run in Remembrance beginning at 9 a.m., Beamer Way will close at 8 a.m. and will not reopen until after the spring game and Lot 1 will open at noon and will only be accessible from Washington Street.
Sunday, April 13
Event highlights: Baseball game
Lots are open. Follow all posted signs for regulations.
More information
For specific parking questions, please contact Parking Services at 540-231-3200 or via email.