Keeping our community healthy this fall and winter
From: Virginia Tech Public Safety
Heading into the fall and winter months, there is often a rise in respiratory viruses like influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19. The health and safety of the Virginia Tech community is always a top priority, so be prepared and review recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to keep yourself and others from getting sick.
Vaccinations: Vaccination remains one of the most effective tools in preventing severe illness and reducing transmission of viruses like influenza and COVID-19.
Students will be able to receive a flu vaccine and the most recent available COVID-19 booster during the annual Flu Shot Clinic or by scheduling an appointment.
Hokie Wellness flu vaccine clinics will start early October; watch the faculty/staff daily email for more information.
For information on where to get a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, visit Vaccinate Virginia to search for a location near you.
Spend time outdoors: Viruses spread between people more readily indoors than outdoors. Avoid crowded indoor spaces and enjoy spending time outdoors this fall. Connect with Venture Out for more information on hiking trails in the area and check out the fall Venture Out trip schedule and upcoming Recreational Sports events.
Frequent handwashing: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer when soap is not readily available.
Stay home if sick: If you are feeling unwell, stay home.
Students should contact the Dean of Students Office if you need absence verification or additional academic support while you are sick. Students should contact Schiffert Health Center (540-231-6444) or their healthcare provider for additional medical guidance.
Employees should notify your supervisor and contact your healthcare provider for additional guidance and testing. Employees may contact Human Resources with additional questions about sick leave or remote work options.
Masks: Masks may help offer protection against COVID-19. Masks are not required in university facilities, however, if you choose to wear a mask, the CDC offers you guidance on how to achieve the best result.
Additional information on seasonal viruses such as the flu and COVID-19 can be found by visiting the university’s Public Health Information website.