A joint message to students, faculty, and staff on campus safety and preparedness
The annual notice on campus security and fire safety is also included

From Dwayne Pinkney, senior vice president for operations and administration, and Patricia Perillo, vice president for Student Affairs
The safety of our students, faculty, staff and community is a top priority for Virginia Tech. We take this responsibility very seriously because safe living and learning environments are more healthy, respectful, and productive. Our professional, accredited Police Department and Emergency Management teams work together with our well-trained Housing and Residence Life, Cook Counseling Center, Schiffert Health Center, and Dean of Students’ staffs and other employees from across campus to build, improve, and sustain university resilience, departmental readiness, and individual preparedness.
We encourage every member of the campus community to “Be Hokie Ready” – to actively engage in basic emergency preparedness efforts. We recommend all members of the university community take these simple steps to begin:
- Call 911 to report or request assistance during an emergency.
- Subscribe to VT Alerts.
- Download the LiveSafe mobile app. This tool has several beneficial features, including important “What to Do in an Emergency” information; navigation instructions for the Blacksburg campus; SafeWalk “virtual escort” monitoring; and the ability to share reports of suspicious activity.
- Program the non-emergency number for the Virginia Tech Police Department in your cell phone: 540-382-4343.
- Take the No Hokie Left Behind pledge and share it on social media using #nohokieleftbehind. Remember: Go with Friends, Stay with Friends, and Leave with Friends!
- Learn the difference between Secure in Place, Shelter in Place, and Evacuation.
On campus residents should meet the Resident Life Resource Officers. Their office is located on the first floor of New Residence Hall East. Students can contact resource officers by phone at 540-231-6102 or via the RLRONation Facebook page.
Though safety of the Hokie Nation is a collective responsibility, it does require action. Individual emergency preparedness is the first and most important step in creating a resilient university environment. Do your part by completing the actions above. Your partnership helps ensure every community member can live, learn, and work in a safe and supportive environment.
Annual notice on campus security and fire safety
Virginia Tech is committed to assisting all members of the university community in providing for their own safety and security.
The 2018 Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report of all Virginia Tech campuses will be available on Oct. 1, 2019 on the Virginia Tech Police Department website at: http://www.police.vt.edu/crime-stats/clery.html.
If you would like to request a paper copy of the report, you can stop by the Virginia Tech Police Department Security Center at the Public Safety Building located at 330 Sterrett Drive, Blacksburg, Va. 24061, or by calling 540-231-1335 to receive a copy by mail.
The website and report contain information regarding campus safety and personal safety, including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, Virginia Tech Police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, student conduct procedures, and other matters of importance related to safety and security on campus. The report also contains crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off campus buildings, off campus property owned or controlled by Virginia Tech, public property within the campus, and public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
This information is provided by the Virginia Tech Police Department as required by law under Article 20 U.S.C. §1092(f).