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Have a child between 2-12 years? Concerned about your child's behavior? Check out this study

From: Department of Psychology

A research study (IRB #23-261) is being offered through the Virginia Tech Child Study Center and the Virginia Tech Autism Clinic & Center for Autism Research, in partnership with the University of Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University.

This study assesses the feasibility, acceptability, and benefit of the Support BRANCH parenting program used in combination with clinician-delivered behavioral therapy as part of a stepped-care model for reducing child behavior problems and increasing parents’ feelings of competency in supporting youth behavior.

Support BRANCH is an interactive website that can be accessed from any internet-enabled device (i.e., mobile phone, tablet, computer), and includes technological support such as instructional videos, strategies to attempt, options of activities to try, and reinforcement for effort through daily parent lessons provided over four weeks. Each lesson covers psychoeducation about parenting and evidence-based principles for alleviating behavioral problems, such as the ABCs of behavior, use of reinforcement, and prevention strategies. The clinician-delivered behavioral therapy teaches parents ways to change their child’s behavior by using positive reinforcement to decrease unwanted behaviors and promote adaptive and desired behaviors.

Participants will initially be randomized to either the Support BRANCH group or to a waitlist group; following the four-week period where families in the Support BRANCH group can utilize the website, families will then have the opportunity to engage with the clinician-delivered behavioral therapy for up to 10 sessions.

Participants in the study will complete ratings on parenting behaviors and child behavioral difficulties on three occasions. You will be compensated up to $75 for completing all parts of the study. If you would like to learn more about the study, please contact the Virginia Tech Child Study Center at

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