Spring VirTual Safe Zone registration is open
From: Pride Center
VirTual Safe Zone registration is open. Spring 1 Session will be Feb. 3 - March 7.
VirTual Safe Zone 101
This course is the first installment of Virginia Tech's VirTual Safe Zone series. It offers an introduction to LGBTQ+ identities and issues, which serves as the foundation for VirTual Trans Safe Zone and the VirTual Safe Zone electives and must be completed before participants may register for either of the other two courses. This is a five-week online course that includes weekly readings, discussion boards, and a live discussion lab.
VirTual Safe Zone 101 Wednesdays @ 10 a.m. with Haleigh Wallace
VirTual Safe Zone 101 Thursdays @ 12 p.m. with Haleigh Wallce
VirTual Trans Safe Zone
This course is the second installment of Virginia Tech's VirTual Safe Zone series. It offers an introduction to transgender identities and issues, and must be completed before participants may register for one of the VirTual Safe Zone electives. This is a five-week online course that includes weekly readings, discussion boards, and a live discussion lab.
VirTual Trans Safe Zone Fridays @ 10 a.m. with Ashleigh “Bing” Bingham
For more information about the VirTual Safe Zone program, please reach out to Haleigh Wallace at haleighwallace@vt.edu.