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Register now for spring high-performance computing workshops through Advanced Research Computing

Workshops are open to all university community members interested in enhancing research computing skills.

From: Division of Information Technology

Advanced Research Computing (ARC), a unit of the Division of Information Technology, is offering a new high-performance computing (HPC) workshop series this spring, featuring a variety of workshops to support and enhance your research computing skills. Sessions are open to all members of the university community and include topics ranging from introductory computing concepts to advanced techniques for HPC.

ARC is partnering with Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies’ Professional Development Network (TLOS PDN) to offer these workshops. Visit and search “ARC” to view the list of ARC workshops and register for each one you’d like to attend. Registration is required to secure your spot and to receive PDN credit for attendance.

Friday Zoom workshops

Each workshop will be held via Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. with topics scheduled as follows: 

  • Jan. 24: Introduction to Advanced Research Computing 
  • Jan. 31: Create and Use SSH Keys for Authentication 
  • Feb. 7: Connect to ARC Systems and Run your First Jobs 
  • Feb. 14: Unix Shell Basics, Part 1 
  • Feb. 21: Unix Shell Basics, Part 2 
  • Feb. 28: Introduction to Slurm 
  • March 7: vi for Text Editing 
  • March 14: VSCode (Microsoft Visual Studio Code) on ARC Systems 
  • March 21: Virtual Environments with Python on ARC
  • March 28 Launching Jobs in Parallel on ARC Clusters, Part 1 
  • April 4: Launching Jobs in Parallel on ARC Clusters, Part 2 
  • April 11: Monitoring Resource Utilization and Job Efficiency 
  • April 18: Data Wrangling Basics: tar and Globus 
  • April 25: Apptainer on ARC 
  • May 2: Virtual Environments with Python on ARC

Registration and details for each session, including instructor information, can be found on the TLOS PDN website. Zoom links for each workshop will also be posted on the ARC website calendar prior to its occurrence; however, you must also register via TLOS PDN if you wish to receive PDN credit for attending.

ARC Spring Break Bootcamp (in-person with Zoom option)

In addition, ARC will host a bootcamp-style series over Spring Break (March 10 to 14), with two, 2-hour sessions held daily in the University Mall Classroom (room 2104) within the TLOS offices at 801 University City Blvd, Suite 21, Blacksburg, VA 24060. Sessions will also be live-streamed via Zoom for online attendees.

Monday, March 10

  • 10 a.m. to noon: HPC for Materials Modeling and Simulations 
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: Introduction to Advanced Research Computing

Tuesday, March 11

  • 10 a.m. to noon: Graph Analytics on HPC (graph libraries)
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: Bash Scripting, Part 1

Wednesday, March 12

  • 10 a.m. to noon: Hands-On HPC Access and Application with Open OnDemand
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: Bash Scripting, Part 2 

Thursday, March 13:

  • 10 a.m. to noon: Different Paradigms of Parallel Computing 
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: Scalable Job Submissions

Friday, March 14:

  • 10 a.m. to noon: Best Practices for Visualization 
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: Data Wrangling Basics: tar and Globus 

Registration and details for each session, including instructor information, can be found on the TLOS PDN website, and registration is required to attend. Space for the bootcamp is limited, so register today!

A flyer with workshop information is available as a PDF here.

Questions about the ARC workshops series can be directed to Sarah Ghazanfari at

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