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Voting on Election Day

From: Human Resources

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Virginia Tech supports all employees exercising their right to vote in the upcoming elections.

The university is open on Election Day. Employees are asked to work with their supervisor should their work hours need to be adjusted so they can exercise their right to vote.

While the university encourages civic engagement, all political activity should be kept separate from the workplace. Political opinion should not be reflected in meeting backgrounds, email tag lines, or in other forms in the workplace. For reference, the Statement of Business Conduct Standards states the following:

“The university encourages interest in civic affairs. The only restriction placed upon such activities is that such activities not interfere with the employee’s job responsibilities. Employees must take care to ensure that their university related activities are kept separate from their political activities; it must be clear that they act as citizens in such activities, not as representatives of the university. Further, employees must not use university resources, including computer and network systems and university work time to promote political positions or political campaigns.”

For questions, contact your supervisor or college or department HR representative.

For specific questions about voting, contact your local voter registration office. For in-person voting, polling hours throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia are from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Election Day. As long as you are in line by 7 p.m., you will be able to vote. 

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