Last day to complete employee wellness survey

From: Hokie Wellness
Nov. 1 is the final day to participate in the employee wellness survey.
They survey, the National Faculty and Staff Health Assessment, is sponsored by Hokie Wellness in partnership with the American College Health Association (ACHA).
Your participation will help us:
- Evaluate our current programming efforts
- Identify the most common health and behavior risks affecting employees
- Help design evidence-based health promotion programs
- Allocate resources based upon defined needs
A survey link was sent to faculty and staff members across all locations from the following email address: Each link is unique and should not be forwarded to others. The survey is voluntary, and responses are confidential. Virginia Tech will not receive survey response data connected to unique individual identifiers (names, emails, etc.).
We encourage employees to complete the survey in one sitting, which typically takes about 20-30 minutes. Participation is voluntary.
All employees who submit a survey will be automatically entered into a random drawing to win one of 100 prizes. Emails for the drawing are randomly selected by ACHA and sent to Virginia Tech but not connected to survey response data.
Help us build a healthier campus community by taking part in the survey.
Learn more about the National Faculty and Staff Health Assessment.