Fall 2023 Dean's List now available online
From: University Registrar
Virginia Tech's fall 2023 Dean's list is online. Use the searchable database to find your friends and family.
Undergraduate students who attempt at least 12 credit hours graded on the A-F option and who earn a 3.4 GPA for either spring or fall semester are included on the Dean's List for that term. Deans' Lists are not compiled for summer sessions. Any notifications or certificates indicating inclusion on the Dean's List for a particular term are issued by the student's academic dean.
Questions about omissions from this online list should be directed to the Office of the University Registrar (e-mail the Registrar or call (540) 231-6252).
Students will not appear on the Dean's List if:
- they are confidential
- if they are not full time (audit hours do not count toward the minimum 12 credit hours needed)
- if they are not an undergraduate student
- if the student has no active permanent address
For questions, please contact registrar@vt.edu.