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Early Childhood Education Initiatives office hours available

From: Early Childhood Education Initiatives

Virginia Tech recognizes the ongoing concern among faculty, staff, and students regarding the availability of affordable quality early care and education.

In 2021 an Early Childhood Education (ECE) Initiatives Advisory Working Group was formed to identify early childhood education programs, and services to enhance the affordability, accessibility, quality, and flexibility of care options resulting in recommendations to the Executive Working Group.

The advisory working group is currently piloting a new support program, Early Childhood Education (ECE) Initiatives Office Hours, for university employees. This is a confidential, no-cost, elective opportunity to ask questions of fellow Virginia Tech colleagues about their experiences as parents while employed by the university.

Virtual sessions are scheduled in 30-minute blocks and specific ECE Initiatives working group members will be assigned based on their experiences and availability for office hour sessions. Employees who are expecting or currently have children are invited to participate including mothers, fathers, non-birth mothers, foster, and adoptive parents. Discussion topics could include caregiving benefits, leave, financial support, work-life policies, as well as sharing resources available to parents. Office hours also allow unique and specific inquiries to be addressed. 

To schedule an office hours appointment, complete the digital form and a representative will follow up with you within five business days. 

For caregiving information and resources, visit the Caregiving site.

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