Updates to Talent Development leadership programs
From: Human Resources
The Talent Development team is announcing some updates to its leadership programs.
Program name change:
Talent Development is busy expanding its leadership development programs to empower university employees to meet the challenges of today and anticipate the changing landscape of tomorrow. One of the most common misconceptions about leadership is that it requires a position of leadership or a title. Talent Development’s leadership programs are for those leaders at Virginia Tech, regardless of position or title, that want to develop their skills in a safe and fail-friendly learning environment.
To that end, Talent Development retitled the program known as Fast Track for New Supervisors to Leadership Essentials. This update to the already successful program includes information on followership as well as new digital badges. Those who have earned their completion badges for Fast Track for New Supervisors, and any of the modules, are inherited into the new digital badges. Announced in May 2023, the Leadership Essentials program will continue to be primarily an online program.
Introducing two inaugural cohorts:
Leadership Excellence is a cohort-based program launching fall 2023 and is part of the university's efforts to foster the continuous growth and development of leaders at Virginia Tech. This program will enhance leadership competencies to improve the ability to lead, serve, and advance the university’s vision, mission, and values beyond boundaries.
Leadership Excellence gives learners the opportunity to further develop and apply leadership competencies. Titled Hokie Dozen, there are 13 because just like our community there is always room for one more. These competencies are part of all Virginia Tech's leadership development programs. The goals of the program are to:
- Create an active learning environment where leaders can interact and tackle real-world problems in a safe, fail-friendly environment.
Create a professional network of leaders to support continued learning and development beyond the program.
Develop culturally responsive leaders to lead current and future teams with excellence in core competencies.
Provide knowledge and support for leaders to confidently advance the Virginia Tech difference beyond boundaries.
More than 60 applications were submitted for the 2023-24 cohorts and reviewed by the Leadership Excellence Advisory Committee. The committee evaluated the applicants professional experience, volunteer experience, leadership awareness, leadership learning experience, and awareness of leadership styles. The committee also looked at how the applicants measured their own leadership competencies. Because of the quality of the applicants, there will be two simultaneous cohorts with a total of 38 cohort members.
Facts about the cohort members:
Members range in years of Virginia Tech service, from 33 years of service to less than a year.
A variety of areas are represented such as Human Resources, Communications, IT, Student Affairs, Engagement, Extension, Marketing, and teaching and research faculty.
Most members have served the university and/or their local community in volunteer roles.
For more information about the programs, cohort members, and Leadership Excellence Advisory Committee, please visit the Leadership Excellence webpage.