Results for: Policy
General ItemCommonwealth of Virginia bans DeepSeek app and web access: guidance for Virginia Tech community
Information regarding an Executive Order issued by the Governor of Virginia on Feb. 11, 2025 banning use of DeepSeek on state-owned or managed resources.
Date: Feb 14, 2025 -
Article ItemRenowned scholar to address the complexities of the science and policy relationship , article
Many of today’s most pressing challenges require research and technology to coincide with policymaking to enact real change. This will be the focus of this spring’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Policy program keynote seminar on Thursday, April 11, at 4 p.m. featuring research policymaking advocate Roger Pielke Jr.
Date: Apr 04, 2024 -
General ItemAcceptable Use Policy and Standard specify employee responsibilities when using university information systems
Policy 7000 governs the use and administration of Virginia Tech computer and communication systems, network, services, and data. Users are advised to review and understand the policy and accompanying standard.
Date: Sep 20, 2023 -
Article Item2023-24 annual notice on rights and responsibilities of the Virginia Tech community , article
A message from Amy Sebring, executive vice president and chief operating officer, and Frances Keene, vice president for Student Affairs.
Date: Sep 13, 2023 -
Article ItemA policy camp experience that's not too tents , article
Hosted by Virginia Tech’s +Policy Network, the Policy Camp on Aug. 14 will emphasize the importance of researchers and students gaining exposure to policy concepts and applying them to real-world challenges.
Date: Jul 25, 2023 -
Article ItemA personal perspective on policymaking during the COVID-19 pandemic , article
Linsey Marr, the Charles P. Lunsford professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, recounted her experiences interacting with governmental and health policymakers as the guest speaker for this year’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Policy program.
Date: May 03, 2023 -
Article Item+Policy Network to sponsor half-day virtual symposium on the governance of new and emerging technologies , article
In a time when technological advancements are breaking new ground in health, artificial intelligence, and transportation, one factor that must be considered yet is often overlooked: the social impact. Virginia Tech faculty will discuss such social implications of emerging technologies in a variety of fields during the Governance of New and Emerging Technologies virtual symposium on April 6 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Date: Mar 30, 2023 -
Article ItemExpanded perspectives give greater voice to invasive species working group , article
The Invasive Species Working Group is crowdsourcing resources and expertise to tackle global invasion species that are reshaping ecosystems, disrupting economies, and causing disease, costing an estimated $1.3 trillion globally each year.
Date: Mar 23, 2023 -
Article Item+Policy Fellows program supports new research to improve lives globally , article
Rural farmers living in poverty in Zimbabwe and small-scale farmers in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India are the ultimate beneficiaries of +Policy Fellow seed grants awarded to Virginia Tech faculty who proposed research with broad applications and strong policy implications.
Date: Feb 28, 2023 -
General ItemAnnual statement on university owned Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Date: Jan 31, 2023
Article ItemSTEP program keynote addresses climate change and policy solutions , article
Solving environmental and societal problems through scientifically backed policy was the focus of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Policy (STEP) keynote seminar featuring Claire Kremen, professor and President’s Excellence chair of biodiversity at the University of British Columbia.
Date: May 31, 2022 -
Article ItemNew STEP program bridges the gap between science and decision-making , article
The Virginia Tech Policy Destination Area launched its interdisciplinary graduate certificate program, Science, Technology, and Engineering in Policy, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Launching the certificate under current conditions has made clear how important such a certificate is for STEM-H students who are looking to work at the interface of science and policy.
Date: May 13, 2021 -
Article ItemDestination Areas continue to advance Virginia Tech’s transdisciplinary strengths, impacts , article
Destination Areas are designed to support and accelerate Virginia Tech’s transformation of areas of interdisciplinary strength into dynamic, transdisciplinary collaborations.
Date: Apr 01, 2021 -
Article ItemPolicy Destination Area develops new mentorship model for 2021 cohort of +Policy Fellows , article
Since 2018, the Virginia Tech +Policy Fellows have been incorporating policy into collaborative research teams. This year's cohort are still integrating policy into research, but can now expand their knowledge into new content areas under the guidance of a mentor.
Date: Mar 31, 2021 -
Article ItemPolicy Destination Area team develops COVID-19 database to spur policy and social science research , article
As the coronavirus tightened its grip across the globe in late spring 2020, faculty members associated with the Policy Destination Area began brainstorming about how they could respond to the pandemic. What they created was a “database of databases” related to the policies around the pandemic, with direct links to data for researchers to use.
Date: Mar 03, 2021 -
Article ItemGrant funds research on community-level intervention to address opioid overdoses , article
Through community partnerships and grassroots engagement efforts, Connection 2 Care plans to facilitate peer-to-peer counseling and distribute backpack kits containing life-saving resources to those most at risk of opioid overdoses in the Roanoke area.
Date: Apr 24, 2020 -
Video ItemWhat's your science? - Sana Ahmad , video
Sana Ahmad loves how science foundations can be applied to any field.
Date: Feb 26, 2020 -
Article ItemResearch team works to develop new ways to detect air pollutants , article
With a $2.3 million award from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, an interdisciplinary team of Virginia Tech researchers led by Masoud Agah are working to revolutionize a testing process for harmful pollutants, in particular, for truck drivers.
Date: Feb 14, 2020 -
Article ItemOpen Access Week keynote Brandon Butler discusses the Big Deal and why open access matters , article
For the past two decades, research institutions have been buying research the same way consumers have been buying television programming: in big bundles. Like big cable packages, these bundles have become bloated with unnecessary content, and their prices have exploded.
Date: Oct 15, 2019 -
Article ItemFirst Policy, Technology, and Society mini-series event highlights the interdisciplinary nature of policymaking , article
Saul Halfon and Anne Khademian spoke at the inaugural Policy, Technology and Society Conversation and Networking seminar at Virginia Tech sponsored by the Policy Strategic Growth Area on March 4.
Date: Mar 26, 2019
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