The transfer of the School of Public and International Affairs to the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences will enhance the university’s strengths in national security, public policy, cybersecurity, environmental and climate justice, foreign affairs, and urban planning.
In August, Rishi Jaitly will bring his humanistic perspectives and technology background to the Center for Humanities as a distinguished fellow and to the Academy of Transdisciplinary Studies as area leader for digital transformation and scientific collaboration.
Jaque Hidalgo, an assistant professor of Spanish, received the agency’s prestigious Summer Stipend. The grant will fund her upcoming research trip to Chile, where she will gather primary sources for a book-length project.
“Humanity is at the core of all we do in the college,” Belmonte said, noting that the college’s disciplines span topics as diverse as data analytics and Dante, criminology and creative writing, and Bach and bok choy.