Commandant of Cadets Maj. Gen. Randal Fullhart to speak at Dublin Memorial Day ceremony

The Commandant of Cadets of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, Maj. Gen. Randal D. Fullhart, U.S. Air Force, will speak at The Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony in Dublin, Virginia, on Monday, May 25.
The ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery located at 5550 Bagging Plant Road in Dublin. The Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery is one of three state veterans cemeteries operated by the Virginia Department of Veterans Services.
The Virginia State Police, Boy Scouts of America Troop 249, The National Guard 29th Division Band, Virginia National Guard Infantry Division, the New River District of Ruritan National Inc., Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery volunteers, and more will take part in the event.
The service, followed by a reception and gravesite visitation, is open to the public.
Accessible parking with a shuttle is available from a site adjacent to the cemetery. Signage will be posted.