Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, Hokie football team to highlight the colors at Boston College game

The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets continues to partner with the Virginia Tech Football Team to highlight the colors during the pre-game ceremony at every football game.
Three football players are selected, because of their performance in the last game or during practice, to carry the American flag, the state flag, and the team’s spirit flag as they lead the team onto the field. They carry the flags the length of the field and deliver them to cadets that are waiting for them on the south goal line.
The cadets performing this honor are also selected based on their performance during their training. The cadets render honor to the flags and then securely carry them off the field. At home games three freshman cadets are selected and one or two upper-class cadets receive the flags at away games.
Cadet Benjamin Burk of Solomons, Md., a sophomore majoring in university studies who is a member of Army ROTC and a recipient of the Emerging Leader Scholarship will travel with the football team to the Boston College game. He was selected for this honor based on his superior performance, selfless service to his fellow cadets and others, and for his continuous hard work.
Burk was nominated by his Company Commander, Cadet Maj. Nathaniel Bier of Macon, Ga., a senior majoring in history in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences who is a member of Army ROTC and the recipient of the Leon Dalmain Simmons '34 Memorial Emerging Leader Scholarship.
Bier stated, “Cadet Burk has been the leading force in volunteering not only with the company but with the corps. He served as a driver during the alumni homecoming weekend. He has led the company serving as company clerk and it is not uncommon for him to stop you in the hall and ask if there is anything you need. He has set the bar high for the rest of the sophomore class and continually strives to better himself. His uniform is always looking sharp and his service as a black shirt and a member of Skipper Crew are a result of his hard work. He has the perfect balance between Army ROTC and the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, as well as keeping up with his grades.”
Future cadets will continue to be selected for this honor based on their performance in the cadet regiment. The program is part of the proud partnership the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets has with the Virginia Tech Athletic Department and the Virginia Tech football team.