Dale Robinson named conflict resolution program manager in Office for Equal Opportunity
Dale Robinson has been named conflict resolution program manager in the Virginia Tech Office for Equal Opportunity.
In this role, Robinson will make available a variety of conflict resolution processes and strategies, including mediation, to members of the Virginia Tech community. As part of his responsibilities, Robinson will offer consultation and services in resolving conflict in a broad variety of situations, and also oversees Virginia Tech’s trained group of faculty and staff mediators.
In addition, Robinson serves as a resource in investigating possible harassment and discrimination concerns for the Office for Equal Opportunity.
“We delighted to have someone with Dale’s level of experience, depth of understanding, and degree of vision for this program”, said Maggie Sloane, director for compliance and conflict resolution. “I have no doubt that this resource will prove to be enormously beneficial to Virginia Tech.”
Robinson is a long-time mediator with substantial experience in helping resolve workplace and family conflict. Prior to coming to Virginia Tech, he mediated and investigated discrimination complaints filed with the Tennessee Human Rights Commission. In higher education, Robinson was lead equal opportunity and affirmative action officer at The College of William and Mary, and he also co-founded a campus mediation program at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.