William Swecker honored with emeritus status

William Swecker, professor of large animal clinical sciences in the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech, has been conferred the title of professor emeritus by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
The emeritus title may be conferred on retired faculty members who are specially recommended to the board by Virginia Tech President Tim Sands in recognition of exemplary service to the university. Nominated individuals who are approved by the board receive a copy of the resolution and a certificate of appreciation.
A member of the Virginia Tech community for more than 34 years, Swecker made significant contributions to the health and welfare of animals through his work in the Production Management Medicine and nutrition clinical services of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
Swecker served as director of the teaching hospital. During his work he added a veterinary social worker position, facilitated the development of small animal emergency and critical care, and oversaw the hospital as it dealt with adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic.
He was one of the first graduates of Virginia Tech’s veterinary college, infusing that background in his service to the community as an educator of farm animal producers.
Swecker served a six-year term on the Council on Education within the American Veterinary Medical Association and served as president of the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association in 2021.
Swecker upheld Virginia Tech’s Principles of Community in his teaching, research, and service responsibilities. In the classroom, he taught a wide variety of graduate courses in animal sciences.
Throughout his career, Swecker served as a mentor and advisor for numerous graduate students and postdoctoral research associates and helped them develop successful careers in both academia, private, and industry settings.
Swecker received his veterinary degree from Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.
Written by Anja Hemesath, a senior and a student writer for Virginia Tech Communications and Marketing