VMCVM Pet Spotlight: Nikalai Juniper Bryant

What’s your name, and do you think it’s as awesome as you are?
Nikalai Juniper Bryant, or you can just call me Nikalai. My name is totally awesome and unique!
Who is your human and what is their role at the veterinary college?
Dr. Jasmine Bryant, Director of Alumni and Referring Practitioner Relations
What kind of critter are you, and what makes your breed (or mix) totally pawsome?
Mixed Breed (Beagle, Russell Terrier, Shetland Sheepdog, and Vizla)
How many candles are on your birthday cake this year—or are you keeping that a secret?
Where did you find your human, and what made you pick them?
At VMCVM (we're both alums) - I came out of MDL from the teaching colony!
All her classmates kept telling her she needed me until she caved and it's been love every since!
How would you describe yourself: a snugglebug, a wild child, or the boss of the house?
Definitely a snugglebug (is there any other way to be?)
What’s your signature move to get attention—puppy eyes, zoomies, or something else?
Not puppy eyes but I do stare into her soul until she acknowledges me.
Do you have a favorite toy that you’d fight a dragon to keep?
Anything with a squeaker!
What’s your go-to snack, and how do you convince your human to hand it over? (Do you have a secret trick?)
Greenies! I go to the closet door, sit in front of it or keep pacing back and forth in front of it until she goes into get them :)
What’s the most epic adventure you’ve had with your human?
Hiking up McAfee's Knob (I'll never go back... I'd rather be a couch potato)
What’s something you did that left your human totally speechless—good or bad?
Tore up the little human's diaper out of the trash... so much fun!
What’s your best “I’m too cute to handle” pose for the camera?
One ear up and one ear down. It gets them every time :)
Describe a day in your fabulous life. Do you work hard or hardly work?
Work? What's that?
Do you have any rituals with your human, like belly rub o’clock or snack time at sundown?
We play hide and seek! She'll chase me down the hall and disappear before I turn around.
What’s your relationship status with other animals? BFFs, frenemies, or “it’s complicated”?
It's complicated. They always want to play but I only want to play when I want. They just don't get it.
Do you have any party tricks that wow the crowd?
I can hold a treat on my nose until my mom says "Get it!" and I can play dead when she points her finger pistols at me.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
The power to make my dad let me on the couch and bed.
What’s one thing your human should learn from you?
Patience. I like to stop and smell the roses and she's always on the go!
What’s the best thing about being your human’s sidekick?
All the love we share! She's the best!
Anything else you want to bark, meow, chirp, neigh, or squeak to the readers? (This is your moment!)
Adopt, Don't Shop! Some of the best companions are in a shelter near you and just need a chance to win you over :)