On Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will host the 2024 Kentland Farm Field Day.

This event will highlight current research projects at Kentland Farm as well as focus on livestock and horticulture production. The morning will begin with wagon tours of Kentland Farm and a talk from Virginia Tech’s Alex White on using smart money management practices during market highs to prepare for market lows.

Registration is $20 and includes both lunch and ice cream. To register, call the Pulaski County Extension Office at 540-980-7761.

This year’s livestock track includes:

  • Heifer Selection and Development -Join Vitor Mercadonte, beef Extension specialist, as he discusses heifer selection and development to increase performance in your herd.
  • New River Valley Grazier Panel - Hear from producers from the New River Valley on different ways they incorporate managed grazing on their operations.
  • Drone Panel - Learn about the various applications in which drones can be utilized on your farm from industry professionals and researchers.

The horticulture track includes information on:

  • Integrated Pest Management (Conventional and Organic)
  • Seasonal Cover Crops
  • Soil Organic Matter
  • And more

Kentland exists to support the research, teaching, and Extension programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, which include many of Virginia’s major agricultural crops and livestock species.

Programs are conducted at the farm by many different colleges and departments of the university, including Engineering, Science, Veterinary Science, and Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. The farm is rich in local history, and Virginia Tech has maintained that history through the manor house, enslaved people’s cemetery, Native American sites, and other early farm buildings.

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