VMCVM Faculty Spotlight: Margie Christianson

Margie Christianson
Communications Manager, Office of Advancement
When did you join the veterinary college?
September 2022
The best part of being a faculty is?
The best part of being on the VMCVM Communications team is learning about all the great things this community does every day. From conducting research to helping patients to guiding the next generation of veterinarians, I am continually impressed and in admiration of this college.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I learned someone who passes out in empathy for an injured person is probably not the best candidate for the medical field. In this role though, I can still support veterinary medicine in my own way.
Best advice I've gotten...
This is really random, but my childhood dentist told me it's a great habit to dress up for things after I wore slacks to a cleaning appointment.
Even though, at the time I was just being a scene kid, it's stuck with me that there are little ways you can be considerate or show respect for others that don't take a lot of energy.
How would you capture the essence of your work in a newspaper headline?
Design, Social Media, Branding, and Everything in Between!
My hidden talent...
I don't exactly hide it, but I compete with my dogs in agility, which is a sport where dog and handler complete a timed obstacle course. My first corgi, Min, was invited to the NADAC National Championships in 2023 and has ranked in the Top 10 in her breed multiple years in a row.
Min has also competed at the World Championships for K9 Toss and Fetch League, which is a disc dog competition. She's since retired from the sport, but when we first started learning about disc, Min would just let the frisbees bonk her nose--now she can do an air catch from 25 feet away! A true lesson that hard work and persistence pay off.
Words of encouragement to a current veterinary college student...
You are all so impressive! Getting to know you all through writing stories, creating social content, and being around the college, it's so obvious that we have such talented and passionate students. You make my work easy in comparison, so don't be too hard on yourselves if you aren't perfect. We have to be bad at something first before we can get better!
If I had a superpower, it would be...
Talking to animals, of course! Though my two extroverted dogs might become even more of a handful!
This excites me the most about the future of my industry...
The fields of communications and creative media are undergoing significant changes due to the rise of AI, ongoing research into the impacts of social media, and the growing challenge of digital noise. However, there's also a positive shift toward enhancing digital well-being, empowering small creators, and embracing new technologies that enhance accessibility and engagement. It's an exciting and unpredictable journey, but I'm optimistic we'll figure it out and make the best of it, in the end.
A cause I'm most passionate about...
Support small creators! Exposure doesn't pay the bills.
Favorite way to end the day...
A warm cup of hot cocoa, corgi cuddles, and a cozy video game.
Top of my bucket list...
More travel! I'd love to visit Japan someday during cherry blossom season and stay at a hot spring. That and road trip with the pups to photograph them in different cool locations.
My favorite quote...
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
I have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis— Min is 9 years old and full of sass, and Blaze is 2 and is a very silly boy. They are both outstanding photography models, play dog sports, and love going for hikes. We also enjoy our collection of fish in our five aquariums.
Anything else to add?
In case it wasn't obvious, I really like dogs, and specifically corgis. My office might be full of corgis. :)