To the university community,

Welcome to our spring semester and a new year!  The end of last year brought the final events of our wonderful 18-month sesquicentennial celebration, including the installation of a time capsule in a stone vault on the east side of Burruss Hall, to be opened on our 200th anniversary in 2072.  What kind of university will we be in 50 years, and what can we do in 2023 to support the best possible future for Virginia Tech and the commonwealth?

This year, we will update our Beyond Boundaries vision, reviewing and refining our goals and focusing our priorities on two primary emerging aspirations for Virginia Tech’s future. The dedication and creativity of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and partners over the past five years have made it possible for us to move our vision forward. Thank you! I look forward to sharing more details when you join me at Moss Arts Center tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. for my seventh State of the University address.

2023 will also bring the completion of some important upgrades and additions to our campus facilities including the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building, the Upper Quad Residence Hall, the Multimodal Transit Facility, and the Data and Decision Sciences Building, which will be the first building of Virginia Tech’s Global Business and Analytics Complex. And next year we anticipate the completion of Hitt Hall and a new dining facility, the Undergraduate Science Laboratory Building, and the first building of the Innovation Campus.

We begin 2023 with much to celebrate, exciting opportunities ahead, and great achievements within our grasp. I look forward to continuing our journey together this year.

Let’s go Hokies!

Tim Sands,


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