Media Advisory: Veteran’s Day remembrance ceremony at Virginia Tech to honor our nation’s military

WHAT: The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets will honor Veterans Day and the service of our nation’s military through a series of events on Nov. 11. The event is open to the public.
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 11, 2022
10:30 a.m. - The Veterans Day remembrance ceremony begins in the War Memorial Chapel at 601 Drillfield Drive. Capt. Jamie McGrath, director of the Major General W. Thomas Rice Center for Leader Development and a 1990 graduate of the corps, will speak.
11 a.m. - The memorial wreath will be placed in front of the cenotaph on War Memorial Court. The Gregory Guard, the corps’ precision rifle drill team, will fire a rifle salute, and a bugler will play Taps.
The Robert Femoyer Service Squadron will hold a 24-hour Veterans Day vigil at the Rock — a memorial to Virginia Tech alumni lost in World War I — on Upper Quad. The vigil also honors and remembers the men and women who have served in the military. Two cadets will be posted as guards and will change every half-hour. Volunteers from the entire corps and Air Force ROTC will participate.
The Corps of Cadets’ Echo Company will hold a vigil at the Pylons. Two cadets will be posted as guards at the cenotaph and will change every hour for 48 hours.
WHO: Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets
**The commandant of cadets, Maj. Gen. Randal Fullhart will be available for media interviews following the remembrance ceremony.
Media RSVP to Katie Mallory at or 540-231-8721.
WHERE: War Memorial Chapel
601 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060