An update before winter break from Frank Shushok Jr. and Bryan Garey

To all Virginia Tech students and faculty, staff, and wage employees:
It’s hard to believe that the fall semester is nearing the end and winter break is almost here. As we get ready for that well-earned break, we want to provide an update on Virginia Tech’s spring semester in light of the ongoing pandemic and new omicron variant.
First, thank you to every student and every employee. With your commitment and cooperation to following public health guidelines like getting vaccinated, wearing masks, and staying home when you are sick, we managed COVID cases on our campuses and other locations very well during fall semester. Because of that, we have returned to in-person classes, football games and tailgates, and many more activities that make the Virginia Tech experience so special.
Like you, university leaders are watching and monitoring news and updates about the omicron variant. At this time, the variant is too new to know whether we will need to make any changes to our public health measures and guidelines. We will provide any updates to you as soon as possible should action be required.
The best defense against COVID continues to be vaccination. If you haven’t already received one, there are proven results that vaccination prevents serious symptoms, hospitalization, and death.
If you have been vaccinated, get your booster. All individuals aged 18 and older are eligible to receive a COVID booster. If you are at least six months past your first vaccination date for Moderna or Pfizer, or two months past your vaccination date for Johnson & Johnson, get a booster as soon as possible.
To get the vaccine or booster, go to one of the Health Department sites listed, visit a local pharmacy, or find a vaccine through
The university would like to understand how many students and employees, who previously reported vaccination information, have received a booster. We have enabled both our student and employee reporting systems to be able to collect booster information.
- Students: Click here for instructions and to report booster information.
- Employees: Click here for instructions and to report booster information.
Thank you in advance for reporting your booster information. Please keep in mind that the university may require in the future that students and employees receive and report boosters should we see a rise in cases or serious threat of illness in our communities, but at this time boosters are not required.
For spring semester, while COVID will still be with us and will be for the foreseeable future, we expect life at Virginia Tech to look much like it has during fall semester with our return to an in-person experience. We will continue to require all students and employees, including those who may be new, to be vaccinated or receive a vaccine exemption. We will continue to require unvaccinated students and employees who have received an exemption to test. We will continue to offer voluntary testing. We continue to evaluate our mask guidelines, but at this time, expect to start the semester with masks still required indoors in public places.
As we have done for many months now, we will monitor the pandemic and, should changes in our university health guidelines be necessary, we will communicate that information. Please watch your email and the Virginia Tech Ready site for any updates over the break.
Until then and most importantly, on behalf of our university leaders, we want to thank you again for how our entire Virginia Tech community came together for a successful fall semester by getting vaccinated and following public health guidelines. That same commitment will help ensure a great spring semester ahead.
Enjoy the winter break and we look forward to seeing everyone in January. Go Hokies!
Frank Shushok Jr.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Bryan Garey
Vice President for Human Resources