Michael J. Garvin inducted into National Academy of Construction

Michael J. Garvin, a professor in civil and environmental engineering and coordinator of the Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program at Virginia Tech, is one of 39 new members elected to the National Academy of Construction for 2021.
Garvin was chosen for his proven leadership in alternative project delivery and contracting methods, public-private partnerships, project finance, and significant research for major transportation and infrastructure projects.
“I am humbled by this recognition,” said Garvin. “It is extremely rewarding for my colleagues to recognize my contributions to the construction industry.”

Garvin is known for his pioneering work related to public-private partnerships (P3s). His leadership in the field of project delivery methods and P3s was first recognized in 2004 with a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers through the National Science Foundation (NSF). Since then, he has continued to advance knowledge in this area through his research projects for the NSF, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and several private organizations. He also contributes work in the areas of infrastructure and real asset management.
Garvin joined Virginia Tech as an assistant professor in 2005 and was promoted to professor in 2020. Prior to his arrival at Virginia Tech, he was a faculty member at Columbia University. In that time, he has authored over 140 technical papers and reports, including a Best Paper Award from the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management in 2018. He also has over eight years of professional experience as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a consulting civil engineer.
He is actively engaged in the construction and transportation industries, serving in advisory roles for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure (AIAI), and the Eno Center for Transportation. Garvin has served as a speaker for annual meetings of numerous professional organizations in the industry. Since 2019, he has served as director of the Transportation Construction Management Institute, a professional education program delivered through a partnership among Virginia Tech, VDOT, and the Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance.
At Virginia Tech, Garvin has been widely acknowledged for his contributions, receiving a Certificate of Teaching Excellence from the College of Engineering and a Leadership and Service Award from the Myers-Lawson School of Construction, as well as being named an Executive Development Institute Scholar.
Some of his proudest accomplishments include the impact that his graduate advisees are making following graduation from Virginia Tech by holding prominent positions in public and private organizations that are engaged in infrastructure development, finance, and management both in the United States and abroad.
The National Academy of Construction was initially conceived in 1998 to recognize and honor individuals for their distinguished contributions to the industry and to share this reservoir of expertise as a service to the nation. Its core group of 24 charter members has grown to almost 400 members. Garvin was chosen to join the Academy through an extensive selection process of hundreds of highly qualified prospects.
The new member class was formally inducted on Oct. 21, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Construction.
“One of the nicest things about this recognition is that it gives me a chance to thank those who have been a part of my professional journey,” said Garvin. “Among those are my parents, my wife and children, my exceptional colleagues, and many outstanding students. My contributions would not have been possible without them.”