2021 Global Agricultural Productivity Report to be released on October 20
In a virtual event, the 2021 Global Agricultural Productivity Report, "Strengthening the Climate for Agricultural Growth," will be released.
The theme of the 2021 GAP Report encompasses the changing climate on agricultural productivity and strengthening the policy and investment climate to invigorate productivity growth and adaptation to climate change.

On October 20, the 2021 Global Agricultural Productivity Report (GAP Report), "Strengthening the Climate for Agricultural Growth," will be released in a virtual event.
The launch event begins at 9 a.m. EST and will be broadcast live on the GAP Initiative website. Attendees may register at this link.
The GAP Report will be available in printed form, as well as on the website. The website features a new interactive world map with country-level TFP data from 173 countries.
The report includes an essay by Wei Zhang, the GAP Initiative faculty research fellow and an assistant professor of agricultural economics at Virginia Tech, describing her research on the impact of extreme weather events on productivity growth, with results published in the 2022 GAP Report.
The GAP Report partners contribute stories to the report on a wide variety of topics, including carbon sequestration incentives for farmers, sustainable farming practices in Zambia, small-scale mechanization financing, regenerative practices in livestock feed production, and best practices in nutrient management.
Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize Laureate from The Ohio State University, contributed an essay, "Soil Health and Global Agricultural Productivity," that will appear in the report and online.
The 2021 GAP Report, charts, infographics, and animation will be available for download at globalagriculturalproductivity.org.