A message from Vice President for Human Resources Bryan Garey about the campus climate survey
To the Virginia Tech community,
Our university is a place with many voices, diverse opinions, and vigorous debates. Our commitment to listening to each other is one way we learn about ourselves and others – and hopefully grow in understanding.
That’s why I want to encourage everyone to participate in this year’s climate survey. The survey, which has been simplified and streamlined from previous surveys, will help us better understand employee perceptions relating to our university’s climate, including diversity, inclusion, leadership, work environment, and job satisfaction.
Today (April 13), all faculty, staff, wage employees, and graduate assistants, across all locations, will receive an email from climatesurvey@vt.edu inviting them to complete the survey between now and May 3. Those who do not have computer access will be able to complete the survey by using a QR code, shared computer, or submitting a paper survey.
The information you provide us will lead to a better understanding of the campus experience for different groups of employees across our locations. It will help us develop strategies and make informed decisions that will inspire positive outcomes. It will also give us an understanding of the level of employee engagement and perceptions of COVID-19.
I want to assure everyone that the information we receive from the survey is confidential and will be protected. Although participants have a unique link, employee data is not part of the survey; only your responses to the survey questions. Names and identifiers are removed, and only aggregated data will be reported.
Thank you in advance for taking the climate survey. To see results from previous surveys, visit the HR website. Every response matters so please use this opportunity to speak up, share your input, and help make Virginia Tech a better place to work, study, and serve.
Bryan Garey