Campus operations continue after Thanksgiving break

Virginia Tech will continue to follow the principles and procedures outlined in its Fall 2020 COVID-19 Operational Plan in the coming weeks and months, delivering on its commitment to provide best-in-class operations to the university community.
Central to this charge is maintaining sustained operations at all campus locations between now and the start of Winter Break, which will be Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020, through Friday, Jan. 1, 2021.
These efforts follow the principles and procedures in place at Virginia Tech during fall semester.
This includes administering financial, human resources, information technology, health and safety, and other services critical to the academic, research, and engagement missions of the university — missions that continue to advance forward this semester.
Carrying out the highest standards of cleanliness across all campus facilities to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses is vital. Also essential is the ongoing implementation of construction and renovation projects set to boost innovation, discovery, and accessibility at Virginia Tech for years to come.
Current transformation efforts helping Virginia Tech build its capacity to deliver administrative and business services effectively and cost-efficiently will lay the foundation for long-term operations success.
“Simply put, Virginia Tech remains open for business. We are in a strong position to capture the momentum generated by the hard work, resiliency, dedication of our employees this fall to look ahead to an enhanced on-campus presence next semester. We are well-poised operationally and financially to continue to serve the university in achieving our ambitious Beyond Boundaries vision,” said Dwayne Pinkney, senior vice president and chief business officer.
“Let us harness our steadfast dedication to our Community Wellness Commitment in wearing face coverings, getting flu shots, and embracing other important public health measures. Our ongoing success is inherently tied to the health and well-being of all Hokies and the communities in which we live and work.”
Read on for details around campus services and operations for the remainder of the fall semester. Click here for spring semester 2021 information related to residential life and academics.
The latest Blacksburg Delivers updates will be shared via VT News and at
Blacksburg campus
Access to educational and general use buildings on the Blacksburg campus will continue.
Access to specific classrooms, office suites, and other areas may vary based on departmental needs. In instances where an office suite has been in use over the fall semester, it will continue to be accessible. Please speak with your department head or supervisor for access concerns or questions so they may be shared with Hokie Passport for electronic building access or the Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities. The division will continue to prioritize high-touch spaces.
Greater Washington, D.C, metro area
Access to buildings in the Greater Washington, D.C., metro area will continue. Alexandria and Arlington building access will see no change. The Northern Virginia Center will remain open to accommodate student access to the library. Please refer to the University Libraries hours page for the latest schedule.
Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC
The Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC remains operational. Consistent with fall semester operations, daily check-in procedures remain in place.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine students will continue to have classes and facilities will be operational.
Current cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing frequencies and practices remain in effect across all campuses. High-touch spaces will continue to be prioritized. Please click here to learn about these ongoing efforts. Specific questions may be directed to
Dining Services will be providing limited service after the Thanksgiving break, including continuing to serve any students that may have to be moved to quarantine or isolation spaces. Students that have rollover flex funds from the spring semester must use their remaining balance by Wednesday, Dec. 16. Refer to the most up-to-date locations and hours available.
Employees are reminded to plan ahead for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and Winter Break. Employees will need appropriate leave types to cover Dec. 28 – 31, 2020, during Winter Break. Please refer to the Holiday and Winter Closing Schedule page for more information and specific closing dates.
As a reminder, the last day to use accrued 2020 leave is Jan. 9, 2021. While 2020 has been an unusual year and employees may not have taken leave that they normally would have taken for a number of reasons, it is important to take time away from work for mental health and wellness.
Employees are encouraged to work with managers and supervisors now to plan and ensure they can use leave and reduce their annual leave balances by Jan. 9, 2021. Information about leave carryover limits for different positions can be found on the HR Leave website.
The HR Service Center is also available to answer employee questions Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach them at 540-231-9331 or
Residential Mail
Students are reminded to retrieve all packages before leaving for Thanksgiving and Winter Break.
Perishable packages MUST be picked up prior to leaving campus, as Mail Services has limited refrigeration available and no freezers.
Students with packages over four weeks old at War Memorial Gym will receive a separate email that their packages may be pulled and returned to the vendor.
Students remaining on campus after Thanksgiving will continue to receive mail and packages. Any applicable updates to the current mail and package retrieval process will be shared in the coming weeks via VT News and the Mail Services website
Hours of operation, Nov. 30 - Dec. 23:
Owens Mail Facility hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
War Memorial hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Residential mail questions may be directed to
Departmental mail
Departmental mail will continue to be delivered Monday through Friday. Any adjustments to operations will be shared via VT News and the Mail Services website. Departmental mail questions may be directed to or 540-231-6909.
Ahead of colder weather, outdoor tents will be removed beginning the week of Nov. 30. Virginia Tech recognizes the large number of students taking advantage of these convenient outdoor spaces for studying, dining, and socializing and is planning to install them again in early spring 2021.
Parking enforcement on the Blacksburg campus will continue Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily parking permits will be available for purchase online or in-person at Parking Services (Monday through Friday, 7 a.m to 5 p.m.).
In the coming weeks, more information will be announced in VT News and at about an exciting new technology that will enable hourly parking on campus via a mobile app.
Parking for home football games on Dec. 5 and 12
Vehicles parked in the following lots and along Beamer Way must be moved or be subject to being towed. These lots will be restricted to no additional parking after 5 p.m. the day before the game. All vehicles must be removed by 8 p.m. the evening before the game.
- Beamer Way
- Coliseum Lot
- Maintenance Lot (located off Southgate Drive)
- Stadium Lot
- West Stadium Lot (adjacent to the stadium)
Resident students may park in any of the following areas:
- Chicken Hill Lot
- Duck Pond Drive Lot (the Cage - resident section)
- Hahn Hurst Lot and the Basketball Extension Lot
- Track/Field House Lot (on Beamer Way)
- Washington Street (parallel spaces from West Campus Drive to Kent Street)
Vehicles must be moved to accommodate gameday parking for law enforcement, emergency medical services, communications professionals covering the game, and immediate families of Virginia Tech football players.
Fleet Services
The Fleet Services office will continue to be open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Any operational changes will be shared via VT News and on the Fleet Services website.
Blacksburg Transit
BT will continue to be operational. Please visit the BT website for the latest schedules and any impacts.
For research operations, the following guidance applies effective post-Thanksgiving break through Jan. 24:
- Undergraduate students: All undergraduate for-credit research/instruction will move to virtual participation only. Paid undergraduate students may continue to work in research labs with appropriate approvals and protocols in place (i.e., PPE use, distancing rules, lab hygiene, Institutional Research Board approvals, etc.). Undergraduate student research questions may be directed to: Keri Swaby,
- Graduate students: All graduate for-credit instruction with the exception of research through project/thesis/dissertation credits will move to virtual participation only. Students participating in project/thesis/dissertation work and paid graduate student workers may continue in research labs with appropriate approvals and protocols in place. Graduate student research questions may be directed to: Dean Karen DePauw,
- All volunteer work should be treated the same as for-credit work.
- Any exceptions should be approved by the appropriate college dean or institute director or her/his designee.
- This guidance is subject to change depending upon the development on COVID-19.
For information regarding research operations under modified operations, please visit the Phase Three: Reopening Guidance page or the COVID-19 Research Continuity Guidance microsite. For more questions, please visit the Contacts page.
University Libraries will remain operational. Please refer to the University Libraries hours page for the latest schedule.
Hokie Passport continues to conduct public operations Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Bookmark this article as the latest operational updates will be added on an ongoing basis within and on the Virginia Tech Ready site.