A message on grading from Executive Vice President and Provost Cyril Clarke

To the Virginia Tech community:
As Virginia Tech moves to online course instruction and students prepare to complete the spring 2020 semester away from the physical campus, the university has developed additional options for course grading and assessment of the academic performance of undergraduate students. Developed with input from the Provost’s Office, Faculty Senate Cabinet, University Registrar, and college associate deans, we are offering the following approach to academic and grading policy:
- Virginia Tech will extend the last day to drop a course without penalty to April 15, 2020 for undergraduate and graduate students.
- Undergraduate students may choose from the following grade options for each course they are enrolled in until the last day of class for spring 2020.
- Continue with A/F grading options.
- Select a new credit/non-credit grade system for spring 2020 only. The grades in the credit/non-credit option are as follows:
- “CC” – Credit for course equivalent to a C- or better;
- Student receives credit for the course.
- Grade does not calculate into the GPA.
- Grade meets the C- or better standards for progress to degree.
- “CD” – Credit for course equivalent to a D
- Student receives credit for the course.
- Grade does not calculate into the GPA.
- “CN” – Equivalent to a failing grade (D- or F) in the course
- No credit earned for course.
- Grade does not calculate into the GPA.
- “CC” – Credit for course equivalent to a C- or better;
- Pass/Fail policies remain unchanged.
A transcript notation for Spring 2020 will document the grade definitions. The credit/no credit grading option supports the university’s existing progress to degree requirements, prerequisite course standards, and federal and state financial aid guidelines.
Students do not need to make any immediate decision regarding course grading. As they continue their spring 2020 courses online, they will have adequate time to acclimate to the online environment and then can make informed and appropriate decisions in consultation with their advisors. We will provide specific guidelines and instructions on the timeline and process for choosing grade options in the near future.
If you have any question or concerns, please contact the University Registrar at registrar@vt.edu. Thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of our students and their academic success.
Cyril Clarke,
Executive Vice President and Provost