Kevin Heaslip named CACI Faculty Fellow
Kevin Heaslip, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, was named the CACI Faculty Fellow by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
The CACI Faculty Fellowship was established through the support of CACI International Inc. to attract and retain leading scholars in the College of Engineering.
A member of the Virginia Tech faculty since 2014, Heaslip is nationally recognized for his research on cyber-physical systems in civil infrastructure, especially critical infrastructure. His areas of expertise include measurement of system resilience, transportation resilience, transportation engineering, public transportation, and urban transportation planning.
He began this field of inquiry in 2008 with a study conducted for the Department of Defense, where he examined the link between societal stability and critical infrastructure. The results of that study concluded that security for critical infrastructure was a significant component of successful societal stability and formed the basis for global policy for the Department of Defense and the development of strategies for the protection of critical infrastructure domestically and at Department of Defense facilities around the world.
In the classroom, Heaslip has taught/co-taught five different courses at Virginia Tech ranging from undergraduate introductory classes in transportation to graduate level classes in urban and regional transportation planning. He teaches a class on “Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity,” which is believed to be unique nationwide. He has advised or co-advised six Ph.D. students and 21 master’s degree students to completion and has supported 30 undergraduate students in research. His current research group includes five Ph.D. students, three master’s degree students, and two undergraduate researchers.
Heaslip serves or has served on numerous technical and administrative committees of the Transportation Research Board, the leading organization in the transportation discipline. He currently serves on AHD55 Signing and Marking Materials and AHB55: Work Zone Traffic Control Committee. He is a former member of AHB30: Vehicle-Highway Automation, advancing research topics regarding automated vehicle security. Heaslip is a member of the National Academy of Science Resilient America Roundtable since 2014.
He received his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from Virginia Tech and a Ph.D from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He was honored as the Virginia Tech Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Outstanding Young Alumnus in 2014 and then received the University of Massachusetts Amherst Institute of Transportation Engineers Outstanding Alumni award also in 2014.
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