Parking and transportation information for April 12 weekend
Alumni Center, Perry Street Parking Garage and parking as seen from roof of Whittemore Hall.

There will be a multitude of events on Virginia Tech’s campus the weekend of April 12th. Please allow yourself extra time as you make your way on campus. Be prepared and take note of the following parking/transportation information to help your visit.
Visitor parking passes are not required for the weekend, beginning at noon on Friday, April 12. Note that lots designated as 24-hour restricted, as well as metered, handicapped-accessible, and state/service vehicle spots will be enforced.
Friday, April 12
Event highlights:
3.2 Mile Run in Remembrance check-in, Family Weekend, Yoga, Softball, Tennis
Parking highlights:
3 p.m.
Parking available in Lot 1/Coliseum, Lot 2/Stadium, Lot 4/Track-Fieldhouse.
4 p.m.
Short-term parking available along southside of Drillfield Drive. Parking available in Price Hall lot.
5 p.m.
Vehicles can leave, but no new cars can park on the northside of the Drillfield Drive and Lot 1/Coliseum. Buses still running.
5:30 p.m.
North End Center Parking Garage, no charge parking after 5:30 p.m.
Parking available at Squires Lot.
8 p.m.
All vehicles must be removed from Lot 1/Coliseum and Lot 2/Stadium.
Drillfield Drive closed, all vehicles must be removed (buses still running).
Lot 4/Track-Fieldhouse will be closed to public.
Saturday, April 13
Event highlights:
3.2 Mile Run in Remembrance, Interfaith Service, Family Weekend, Football Spring Game, Softball Game, Lacrosse Game, Town of Blacksburg Chocolate Festival
Parking highlights:
7 a.m.
Public parking allowed in Lot 2/Stadium, Chicken Hill, and Perry Street; Lot 3 is for ADA parking.
Note: Perry Street can be accessed from West Campus Drive when coming from Prices Fork Road.
8 a.m.
Run route closed, no vehicles will be allowed in or out of the run route until runners have cleared the area and the police deem it safe.
Beamer Way closed (all day) from Washington to Southgate.
Oak Lane closed (no entrance or exit until after 10:30 a.m.).
10 a.m.
Parking available in Duck Pond Drive Lot/The Cage, Lot 8/Litton-Reaves.
Run route opens except Beamer Way, from Washington Street to Southgate.
Lot 1/Coliseum opens.
****For Football Spring Game parking and transportation information, see Pre- and post-game traffic patterns will be in effect.
Sunday, April 14
Event highlights:
Softball Game
Parking highlights:
Lots open, follow all posted signs for regulations.