I hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer! The beginning of our fall semester brings students back to our campuses across Virginia and invigorates the enthusiasm and energy that exists everywhere Virginia Tech is present — including the Corporate Research Center; the Virginia Tech Carilion Health Science and Technology Campus in the Roanoke Innovation Corridor; the Tech Center in Newport News; the Agricultural Research and Experiment Station; Extension offices and higher education centers distributed across the commonwealth; the Steger Center in Ticino, Switzerland; and our urban-living laboratory in the National Capital Region.

As we begin this new academic year, I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I value all that you do. Your dedication to supporting the overall mission of the university inspires our entire community. Your commitment and the spirit of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) is the foundation and fabric that defines who we are and guarantees future success. I’ll have more to say in my State of the University Address on Sept. 7 at 3 p.m. at the Moss Arts Center. I hope you’ll be able to join me in person or online.
Because of you, and the work that you do, I share our students’ excitement and enthusiasm for the upcoming academic year
Tim Sands,

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