A bold mission requires a mark to match
As Virginia Tech answers the call of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) and the university’s impact continues to grow, the university community has developed a new logo to reflect the evolving story of the Hokie Nation.
Today, a new visual representation will begin to be deployed across campus, the commonwealth, and around the world. The logo — called a mark when paired with “Virginia Tech” — is grounded in tradition, yet focused on the future. Familiar yet distinctively new, the mark encapsulates the vision and energy of President Tim Sands, Provost Thanassis Rikakis, and other members of the community who are driving Virginia Tech forward.
The lettering reflects the VT-shaped educational experience. The vertical bar of the T represents disciplinary depth, while the horizontal bar reflects the ability to work across disciplines. The arms of the V represent applying knowledge in real-world settings and the spirit of Ut Prosim. The logo’s openness and shape highlight Virginia Tech’s identity as an inclusive community that thrives at the intersection of academic disciplines.
Mirroring the familiar "flying VT" of the athletic department, the new university logo also uses the same angles to create a unifying expression of the two logos.
The athletic department logo will remain unchanged. Virginia Tech traditions such as the HokieBird, the colors of Chicago maroon and burnt orange, the university seal, and Hokie Stone will remain at the core of the university’s identity. Meanwhile, a revised palette of contemporary colors will add vibrancy.
The former mark, consisting of a shield and the words "Virginia Tech," will be retired, as will the tagline, "Invent the Future.” The former mark and tagline will be moved to the vintage collection in the marketing vault, where they will be deployed for specific purposes.
The new university brand platform will provide a vibrant expression of the Virginia Tech story, now and into the future, as the university's footprint grows in Roanoke, the National Capital Region, and around the world.
Written by Travis Williams