Photo contest offers snapshot of study abroad experiences
With the sky darkening and a hailstorm approaching, Kelly Luker of Virginia Beach, Va., a senior majoring in studio art in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies, took a quick snapshot of the distinctive cliffs of Cinque Terre. Luker was studying abroad in Siena, Italy. Her photo titled "La Tempesta" ("The Storm") won Best in Show in last year’s Education Abroad Photo Contest.
"Many study abroad students return with exciting stories from their experiences," said Jennifer Quijano Sax, director of International Education. "Luckily, many of those experiences were captured on camera, and our annual photo contest offers an opportunity to relive and share those moments."
Students, and faculty, and staff are invited to submit photos to the 2014 Education Abroad Photo Contest.
Finalists and winning photos will be on display April 14-27 at the XYZ Gallery, 223 N. Main St., in downtown Blacksburg.
Participants can submit photos in six categories. All except the last category are open only to students:
- People/Culture: depicts an individual or group of people from a host culture, people in a distinctly international locale, or in cultural or historical dress
- Places (natural or urban): depicts a landmark or landscape that is clearly identifiable as an international locale
- Spirit of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve): depicts Hokies spreading the spirit of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) around the world
- Inventing the Future Abroad: depicts international research/development conducted by Hokies while abroad
- Hokies Abroad: depicts student experiences abroad (including international students studying at Virginia Tech)
- Faculty/Staff Abroad: depicts faculty/staff international experiences including leading study abroad programming, research, and travel on university business (open only to Virginia Tech faculty or staff)
Judges drawn from the university community will judge the submissions on originality, how the photo illustrates the value of study abroad, and how well the artwork relates to the category. The community is also invited to vote for favorite photos on the web and on Facebook, where winning entries will ultimately be posted.
Deadline for entry forms and photos is March 26. Contest guidelines and the entry form may be found at Virginia Tech Education Abroad. Sponsors include Outreach and International Affairs and Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society.
Written by Rommelyn Conde.