Kostas Triantis named John L. Lawrence Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Kostas Triantis, professor of industrial and systems engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, was recently named John L. Lawrence Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
The John L. Lawrence Professorship of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research recognizes research excellence and was endowed by its namesake, a 1948 graduate of the industrial engineering program, who is now deceased.
A member of the Virginia Tech faculty since 1983 and based at Virginia Tech's Northern Virginia Center of the National Capital Region, Triantis has established a research program in the design of performance measurement systems for service and manufacturing organizations and for engineering systems.
He is the co-founder and co-director of the System Performance Laboratory in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. The focus of Triantis' research is an emphasis on interdisciplinary research, with specific linkages to the behavioral and social sciences, an emphasis on fundamental research driven by issues and problems grounded in reality, and the integration of research with education and outreach.
He has developed linkages between the field of efficiency performance measurement and more specifically data envelopment analysis with the fields of statistics (influential observation identification, quality control), fuzzy logic (fuzzy clustering and optimization), and system dynamics (dynamic efficiency measurement).
He has pursued the design, development, and implementation of novel applications of performance measurement frameworks. His more recent research efforts involve the assessment of the introduction of new technologies into systems and enterprises, the study of the behavior of dynamical systems focusing on the measurement, assessment and improvement of dynamic system performance, the evaluation of demand based strategies for the mitigation of traffic congestion and the performance evaluation of road maintenance strategies.
Triantis established the Ph.D. program in industrial and systems engineering in the National Capital Region and has served for a number of years as the director of the Systems Engineering Program.
He has authored or co-authored more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and has participated in more than $5.8 million in funded research projects, including more than $800,000 in Intergovernmental Personnel Act funding.
Triantis has served for the past three years as the program director of the Civil Infrastructure Systems Program within the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Division of the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation. As a program director, he has emphasized the importance of infrastructure systems research with a focus on multi-disciplinary perspectives that include systems science and engineering, service science and the social and behavioral sciences in general.
Triantis has developed and taught courses in industrial and systems engineering to hundreds of students. He has advised more than 60 graduate students to completion of their degrees, and six more doctoral advisees are currently under his direction. He pioneered the delivery of television and compressed video courses that originated from the Northern Virginia Center.
Triantis received his bachelor’s degree, two master’s degrees, and doctoral degree from Columbia University.