Sustainability Week 2010 under way
Virginia Tech, in partnership with the Town of Blacksburg and Sustainable Blacksburg, will celebrate, educate, and motivate with the fourth annual Sustainability Week, boasting a variety of events.
First launched in 2007, Sustainability Week has been recognized with the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award for the efforts and abilities to promote sustainability awareness and education, and to support positive actions with practical results. Sustainability Week 2010 began on Sept. 18 and runs through Sept. 25.
This year’s events aim to continue the excellence presented in previous years and continue to showcase the achievements and initiatives that are currently underway at Virginia Tech and in the Town of Blacksburg.
There will be several workshops and presentations allowing the public to learn green methods that can be incorporated into their lifestyle further enhancing the Virginia Tech and surrounding community’s sustainability initiatives.
Some highlights of the week include Game Day Recycling on Sept. 18, tree planting on Sept. 21, the Virginia Tech Active Commute Celebration and the Farmer’s Market Chef Roulette both on Sept. 22, the unveiling of the Blacksburg Transit Hybrid Bus on Sept. 23, and the Community Sustainability Fair wrapping up the week on Sept. 25. View the full event calendar and detail online.
Virginia Tech has been recognized at both state and national levels for sustainable leadership receiving high marks in the Campus Sustainability Report Card, placing third in the 2009 Green Commonwealth Challenge, receiving LEED Gold certification for the Henderson Hall renovation and Theatre 101, and receiving the Gold from the Best Workplaces for Commuters Race to Excellence among other notable environmentally friendly advances and Sustainability Week is an ideal venue for bringing together these successes for outreach to employees and students of Virginia Tech and the residential community of Blacksburg.
Dedicated to its motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), Virginia Tech takes a hands-on, engaging approach to education, preparing scholars to be leaders in their fields and communities. As the commonwealth’s most comprehensive university and its leading research institution, Virginia Tech offers 240 undergraduate and graduate degree programs to more than 31,000 students and manages a research portfolio of $513 million. The university fulfills its land-grant mission of transforming knowledge to practice through technological leadership and by fueling economic growth and job creation locally, regionally, and across Virginia.