Wildlife options for landowners short course to be held in June

Forests are one of Virginia's most valuable assets — in addition to wood, clean water, recreation, and serenity, they also provide important wildlife habitat.
Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Forest Landowner Education Program, based in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources, is offering a short course for woodlot owners interested in managing either game or non-game wildlife species.
Topics will include what is wildlife and who owns it; management planning, objectives, and strategies; working with natural resource professionals; basic requirements of wildlife; concepts of applied habitat ecology; edge, mast, and fire; habitat structure; open field/early successional systems; riparian and pond management; dealing with too much success; and cost-share programs in Virginia.
The short course consists of two sessions — June 9 and June 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. — at the New Market Rescue Squad building in New Market, Va., with a 5:30 p.m. check in. Registration, which includes refreshments and a notebook of wildlife management information, is $20. Checks should be payable to Rockingham County VCE and mailed to 965 Pleasant Valley Dr., Harrisonburg, VA 22801, by June 2. Both sessions will be indoors.
For more information, contact Matt Yancey, forestry and natural resource Extension agent, at (540) 564-3080.
- Read the related story: “Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program’s Short Course Series”