Recreational Sports, Foxridge Apartments to host Intramural Innertube Water Polo Championship
Join the Virginia Tech Recreational Sports Hokie Gobblers Marketing Team on Wednesday, April 1 at 8 p.m. in the War Memorial Pool for the Foxridge Apartments Intramural Innertube Water Polo Championship Night.
Contests and raffles will be held throughout the night. There will be a variety of games for fans to participate in between each innertube water polo championship game with prizes from our sponsors Foxridge Apartments, Pizza Hut, and POWERade. Everyone will have a chance to win.
Contests include, water balloon toss, frozen T-shirt contest, and an ice cream-eating contest. The grand prize for the frozen T-shirt contest is an iPod Touch. There will also be a free raffle after each game for a Foxridge Apartments gift bag. Come out for a splash of a time and cheer on your intramural Hokies. Event is free and open to the Virginia Tech community and the public.
Be on the lookout in the near future for the Hokie Gobblers/Foxridge Apartments Championship Night for Intramural Softball on Tuesday, April 28.