Virginia Tech welcomes students with new Hokie F6 program series
Students coming to Virginia Tech this fall will be greeted with more than just a wave and a smile.
Hokie F6, a new program spanning the first six weeks of the fall semester, is designed to help students adjust to college life and promote a rewarding university experience. Its programs bring essential campus resources and activities together to provide skills and information students need to succeed in life after high school.
“We are confident that residents who participate in Hokie F6 will increase their chances to have a successful year academically, socially, and personally,” said Matt Grimes, coordinator of Theme Housing Programs and Hokie F6 committee chair.
Hokie F6 programs cover a wide range of events such as free pizza parties, study skills seminars, and community service projects. Programs focus on introducing students to their residence hall communities, showing them how to get involved in various campus organizations, familiarizing them with alcohol awareness and safety practices, and connecting them with campus resources that will aid them throughout their college careers.
The featured event is The Tunnel, an educational experience designed to challenge ideas about diversity, tolerance, and oppression by immersing individuals in multimedia presentations to raise awareness. Participants hope The Tunnel and other Hokie F6 events will increase acceptance and diversity awareness throughout the campus community.
At each Hokie F6 program or event, students will receive a “golden ticket.” When the six-week programming series ends, staff members will hold a raffle drawing and on-campus residents will be able to submit their tickets for a chance at a selection of prizes. The more tickets that are collected, the more chances an individual has for his or her name to be drawn.
Hokie F6 is sponsored by Student Programs, the American Red Cross, the Center for Academic Enrichment and Excellence, the College Alcohol Abuse Prevention Center, Multicultural Affairs, Multicultural Programs and Services, Recreational Sports, Schiffert Health Center, Wellness Peer Educators, University Libraries, the Virginia Tech Police Department, and the Virginia Tech Women’s Center.
For more information about Hokie F6, visit