College of Natural Resources workshop will help woodlot owners make money
If you are a small woodlot owner and are looking for ways to make money from your woods, or if you want more information on how to start managing your woods or run a woods-based business, the Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources has a workshop for you.
This is a two-part, two-location workshop, and participants can sign up for the marketing session on June 22, the management session on June 27, or if interested, both events. During the sessions, lunch will be provided and participants will receive a comprehensive resource binder.
The June 22 session will be held at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, Va. At that session, professors from Virginia Tech and staff from the Virginia Department of Business Assistance will present information on how to start and operate a business, and will discuss potential woods-based markets and available resources for woodlot owners. Tom Hammett is the featured program speaker.
The June 27 session will be held in the woods of the Shenandoah Valley Agriculture and Extension Center in Steeles Tavern, Va. During this session participants will receive hands-on instruction about tree measurements and forestry tools. They will also learn how to effectively manage for the markets discussed during the first session.
The cost for both workshops is $35 per person or $40 per household, and $25 per person or $30 per household for those wanting to attend just one of the sessions. For more information about the event or to register, contact Matthew Yancey, Natural Resources Extension agent with Virginia Cooperative Extension, at (540) 564-3080.