E-mail service provided by Virginia Tech's server (pop.vt.edu, imap.vt.edu) is offline
E-mail service provided by Virginia Tech's server (pop.vt.edu or imap.vt.edu) is offline. The server has experienced a failure for two of its three power supplies. The maintenance contractor expects to have the repair components at Virginia Tech by midday Monday, March 5, 2007.
Until the e-mail server is repaired, the following services will be unavailable:
Email retrieval using the POP or IMAP methods via the server (pop.vt.edu or imap.vt.edu). This includes use of webmail.vt.edu and e-mail addressed to PID@vt.edu. Forwarding services from the server (pop.vt.edu or imap.vt.edu) to any other e-mail service (including the VT Exchange service).
Services operating normally include:
The Exchange service; all e-mail from an Exchange user to an Exchange user will continue to work. Mail sent from Exchange to any service will continue to work. Messages sent directly to the Exchange service (using PID@exchange.vt.edu) will also work.
The SMTP service (E-mail sending) continues to work for all users. This service uses different hardware, so it is currently unaffected.
Note: Messages being sent to the “vt.edu” domain are being queued on separate hardware as well, so no mail is being lost. Once repair of the server (pop.vt.edu or imap.vt.edu) is complete, these messages will be delivered.