Upward Bound program to hold fortieth reunion
The Virginia Tech Upward Bound Program is looking for all former participants in order to organize a fortieth reunion during the summer or fall of 2007.
The Upward Bound Program at Virginia Tech is a federally funded program designed to assist high school students in making the transition from high school to college. Thousands of students in southwest Virginia have benefited from the services of the program since its inception in 1967. The program is currently funded to serve over twenty schools in the region.
The names and addresses of former participants can be forwarded to:
Upward Bound Reunion, Upward Bound, Hillcrest Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Names can also be submitted via e-mail to Upward Bound or by calling Tom Wilson, director of Upward Bound, collect at 540-231-6911.