Virginia Water Science and Technology Symposium to be held Nov. 1-3
The Virginia Water Resources Research Center, based at Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources, will host its annual Water Science and Technology Symposium Nov. 1-3 beginning at 5 p.m. in the Skelton Conference Center at Virginia Tech.
The conference is open to the public and especially geared for state and local government professionals, university faculty and students, experts from environmental consulting and environmental law firms, and other interest groups.
A series of six workshops are scheduled for day one. Day two of the symposium is dedicated to invited panels to discuss pathogens in water environment, concurrent sessions and an awards luncheon will be held on day three.
The Water Resources Research Center was established at Virginia Tech in 1965 under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964. The mission of the Water Center is to provide research and educational opportunities to future water scientists; promote research on practical solutions to water resource problems; and facilitate the timely transfer of water science information to policy and decision makers, and citizens.
The College of Natural Resources at Virginia Tech consistently ranks among the top five programs of its kind in the nation. Faculty members stress both the technical and human elements of natural resources and instill in students a sense of stewardship and land-use ethics. Areas of studies include environmental resource management, fisheries and wildlife sciences, forestry, geospatial and environmental analysis, natural resource recreation, urban forestry, wood science and forest products, geography, and international development.
Visit the symposium program and registration website or contact the Water Resources Research Center at (540) 231-5624.