Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine presents course for veterinary technicians, students
A course designed for veterinary technicians and veterinary technician students was recently held at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (VMRCVM) at Virginia Tech.
The course consisted of three hours of lecture followed by three hours of laboratory experience. The hands-on experience allowed participants to apply what they had been taught in the prior lecture sessions.
Melanie Gevedon, a licensed veterinary technician in the VMRCVM who specializes in neurology focused on conducting neurology examinations and Betsy Snyder, a licensed veterinary technician in the VMRCVM who specializes in ophthalmology discussed ophthalmology examinations.
Some of the participants had the opportunity to place catheters under the guidance of VMRCVM licensed veterinary technicians Dana Calicott and Andrea Moore, who each work in the small animal intensive care unit (ICU).