MEDIA ADVISORY: Back to school media opportunities, facts, and parking guide
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine new student orientation
Tuesday, Aug. 17
Alta Mons, a church camp located near Shawsville
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ninety new students in the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine will go through a team-building experience at a low ropes course, outdoor adventure site. For directions, contact Jeff Douglas, (540) 231-7911 or email him at
Team Hokies
Friday, Aug. 20 and Saturday, Aug. 21
All day
Washington Street
The Class of 2008 and Virginia Tech's 132nd class begins moving in this week in anticipation of the first day of classes Monday, Aug. 23. Team Hokies, more than 300 student volunteers, will help students and their parents move into their residence hall room on Friday, Aug. 20 and Saturday, Aug. 21. The team will be recognized by their white sun visors and their T-shirts.
This is the opportunity to see students helping students as parents are dropping off their sons and daughters. With additional help, the move in process becomes much easier and quicker, giving families more time to explore campus, settle in, and say good-bye. Volunteers begin to wrap up their work between 2 and 3 p.m. More information on students moving is available at:
MBA orientation
Saturday, Aug. 21
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Pamplin-Robeson lawns
All MBA first-year students go through Quest, the program's annual orientation. Students will undergo outdoor physical exercises and challenges designed to enable students to get to know one another in a fun atmosphere while promoting creative problem-solving and team-building skills. Second-year MBA students and alumni serve as facilitators. Program contact and lead coordinator is MBA associate director Barry O'Donnell, (540) 231-6152, Rain location: Pamplin atrium for indoor-appropriate exercises.
Welcome Back picnic
Sunday, Aug. 22
4:30 — 6:30 p.m.
Lane Stadium
At the Welcome Back picnic, students will enter Lane Stadium through the tunnel, touch the Hokie stone, and enjoy a picnic-style dinner served by faculty and staff volunteers. A pep rally will also be held and will include many Hokie head coaches, including football head coach Frank Beamer.
For a complete list of orientation activities during the first week of classes, see
* 17,780 students applied to Virginia Tech.
- There are 4,991 freshmen and 689 transfer students arriving this week from 43 states and 28 countries.
- There are 2,091 new graduate students, including master's, Ph.D. and veterinary medicine students.
- The first-year undergraduate class comes to Virginia Tech with an average high school grade point average of 3.68; average SAT of 1,198.
- Most first-year undergraduates were born in 1986.
- Top five home states after Virginia are (in order) — Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, and New York.
- The Class of 2008 is 58 percent male and 42 percent female.
- The most popular male names in the Class of 2008 are Matthew and Michael.
- The most popular female names Class of 2008 are Jennifer and Jessica.
- The most popular last name in the Class of 2008 is Smith.
- Virginia Tech is the 20th largest on campus housing program in the country with 8,925 beds.
For the members of the Class of 2008 . . . .
. . . Ctrl + Alt + Del is as basic as ABC.
. . . Bert and Ernie are old enough to be their parents.
. . . For this group, stores have always had scanners at the checkout.
. . . They have always had a PIN number; directory assistance has never been free; and there has always been Lean Cuisine.
During the four days of check-in, streets and parking lots closest to the residence halls will be designated as "30-minute unloading" and reserved for resident-student move-in only. These areas include the following parking lots: Shultz, Owens, Dietrick, Coliseum, and Engel.
The following streets will be designated as "30-minute unloading: Turner, Kent, Washington, and the south side of the Drillfield (War Memorial Gym side) from Sandy Hall up to the Library.
Do not park in these areas.
The south side of the Drillfield will be closed to all traffic except for unloading. Washington Street will be a one-way street. Traffic will be allowed to move from west to east (from the Coliseum toward Kent Street and downtown Blacksburg).