Student Affairs At Virginia Tech Restructured
The Division of Student Affairs has been reorganized into three main program areas, each headed by an associate or assistant vice president. Landrum L. Cross, vice president of the division, announced the change. The goal of the new structure is to support strategic priorities for Student Affairs more effectively while accommodating budget cuts.
"The reorganization will create opportunities for cross training and shared planning between departments with similar missions," Cross said.
Associate Vice President David Ostroth is responsible for programs and services for graduate students; the Cranwell International Center, which is directed by Kim Beisecker; Recreational Sports, directed by Bill Campion; and three new departments formed from University Unions and Student Activities: University Unions under Claressa Morton; Student Activities under Nicki Cantrell; and Administrative and Business Services under Melinda Vann. The new Student Life and Advocacy department, which includes multicultural programs, new student orientation, family programs, student advocacy, and off-campus crisis management, also reports to Ostroth. Tom Brown is interim director of this department, which provides services formerly handled by the Dean of Students Office.
Assistant Vice President Edward Spencer provides leadership for the division's strategic emphasis on learning communities; Judicial Affairs, directed by Jennifer Calhoun; Fraternity and Sorority Life, directed by Eric Norman; and Residential and Dining Programs (RDP). RDP's three divisions were consolidated into two after the retirement of Pamela Winfrey as director of facilities and services. Richard Johnson is in charge of Housing and Dining Services and Gerard Kowalski directs Residence Life. Spencer is also responsible for on-campus crisis management, previously coordinated through the Dean of Students Office, and for the division's town/gown community relations activities.
Assistant Vice President Brian Warren is responsible for the Cook Counseling Center under Robert Miller, the Schiffert Health Center under Paul Farrier, and Career Services under Donna Cassell Ratcliffe. Susan Angle, who also reports to Warren, directs Services for Students with Disabilities, part of the Dean of Students Office until the recent retirement of Barbara Pendergrass.