VT Professor Wins National Public Administration Award -- This marks the 2nd year in a row the award has been given to a Virginia Tech professor
Charles Goodsell, professor emeritus in the Center for Public Administration & Policy (CPAP), will be awarded the American Society for Public Administration's Dwight Waldo Award for 2003 at the society's 64th national conference in Washington, D.C. in March. Goodsell will receive this distinction for outstanding lifetime contributions to the literature of public administration. He will also be featured in a future issue of ASPA's Public Administration Review.
Last year, CPAP Professor John Rohr received this award, making this the second year in a row that a Virginia Tech professor has been honored with this distinction. This award has been given to individuals in the public administration field since 1980.
Goodsell has been with Virginia Tech since 1978. Retiring last year, he continues to dedicate his time and knowledge to the university as professor emeritus. Throughout his public administration career, he has held numerous teaching positions at colleges and universities across the nation and beyond, including the University of Puerto Rico, Southern Illinois University, the University of Texas at Austin, Carleton University, and Cleveland State University. He specializes in the areas of comparative administration, political economy, public bureaucracy, public policy, politics and public architecture, and public administration and the arts, and is a popular and highly regarded speaker at various public administration meetings in the U.S. and abroad. He has recently been invited to give the opening address at the Defending Bureaucracy Workshop to be held at St. Hugh's College of Oxford in March.
Goodsell obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard University and undergraduate degree from Kalamazoo College in Michigan. He has been published in the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Politics, Administration and Society, Administrative Science Quarterly, Public Administration Review, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Social Casework, Public Interest, Journal of Politics, Public Administration Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Urban Life, Western Political Quarterly, and many other publications. His most recent books include The American Statehouse: Interpreting Democracy's Temples (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2001); Public Administration Illuminated and Inspired by the Arts, co-edited with Nancy Murray (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995); and The Case for Bureaucracy: A Public Administration Polemic, 3rd ed. (New York: Seven Bridges Press, 1994). 4th edition scheduled for release this spring.
In 1999, Goodsell received the Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Studies Distinguished Scholarship Award, and in 1994 was elected to National Academy of Public Administration.